Tina works as a secretary and receptionist in a large art gallery. Becoming a receptionist is the most popular career choice for young women in the former West Germany. However, Tina’s main interests are confined to her personal life.
Details in the film point to her strong and affirmative ties to her family, especially to her mother. In Episode 3 we learn that the built-in kitchen once belonged to her mother. We may assume that she continues to enjoy a close relationship with her and so gain an impression of the social set-up of the German middle-classes and of the easy living conditions of the post-war generation. The telephone call with her mother in Episode 7 confirms this assumption. Her mother phones her for no special reason, just to ask what her daughter is doing at that moment. Since it is clear that the phone-call comes as no surprise to Tina, we may suppose that they are a common occurrence. In fact, mother and daughter phone each other at least once a day.
The care she devotes to her life is demonstrated not only by the way she has arranged her apartment, but also by her clothing and food. In Episode 5 we see her buying fresh fruit so that she eats enough vitamins while she is at work. With her basket she recalls the innocent fairy-tale figure of Little Red Riding Hood. Everything about her is healthy and soft. But details in the film indicate that also Tina has to expect some confusion in her life.